After thirty years of touring, this is always one of our favorite annual trips. When you tour the best tree grower in the country and the weather is perfect, it is always a great day. But when you learn something new and see first-hand what skilled nurserymen can create you come away with a great appreciation for what can be achieved by hard work and dedication to growing the best tree possible. This large specimen B&B tree grower has added topiary trees in column, fan, box, and umbrella shapes to complement their extensive mix of shade and ornamental trees ranging from 2” to 6”, in addition to a line of upright evergreens. Several truck loads will be arriving at SRN in mid-October and be in the look out next spring for a sample of topiary trees. We are pre-booking orders now so you can be part of the exclusive group of customers to differentiate your jobs with these specimen and unique trees. Photos taken 14 September 2022; part 1 of 3.

What’s New and Fresh, 25 Sept 2022
25 September 2022

What’s New and Fresh, 1 Oct 2022
01 October 2022