South Riding Nurseries [SRN] is proud to support local and Virginia growers and we are fortunate to have a long-term relationships with two medium sized B&B tree growers we visited this summer. We not only buy trees from them but we work together to share information that can benefit all of us. Most importantly, we are happy to call these growers friends and partners. These growers specialize in shade trees and ornamental trees in the 2-3” size range with a smaller mix of evergreens. They have an excellent mix of red maples, Platanus and Princeton elms for this fall. Their trees are well-adapted to our soils and climate thus they transplant well into our customer’s landscapes. Being close by provides the advantage of getting smaller loads and quick turns on orders when needed and the savings on freight make these trees and growers an asset to SRN. [Photos taken mid-August 2021, part 1 of 4]

What’s New and Fresh, 14 Sept 2021
14 September 2021

What’s New and Fresh, 18 Sept 2021
18 September 2021