Matt and Bruce toured this large B&B and container grower in late October. They do a good job with container trees especially #25 containers for 2-inch caliper shade trees and Leyland cypress and Green Giant arborvitae 8 ft, but they also grow #7 containers for dogwoods and up to #65 containers for 2½-3” shade and ornamental trees. This helps supply their customers with trees year ’round and was especially beneficial this summer with the dry conditions that made digging difficult. You can see from the pictures the early leaf drop and lack of green in the turf. To round out their container sales they have shrubs from #3 to #7 container and perennials including a great selection of #1 to #3 container ornamental grasses.
In the field they have a wide mix of shade and ornamental trees with a great selection of red maples from 2-2½ in for larger orders that need matching trees and they are close enough for a day trip to tag out the exact trees you want. Also in the field they grow B&B boxwoods from 15” up to 24” with common varieties such as ‘Green Velvet’, ‘Winter Gem’ and ‘Wintergreen’.