From a trip to Saunders Brothers in August by Bruce and Matt T. Several interesting new cultivars:
Miscanthus sinensis ‘M77’ (Scout™). Does not reseed, so it’s a good sub for M. sinensis ‘Gracillimus’.
Miscanthus sinensis ‘NCMS2B’ (Bandwidth™). Also will not reseed. Good sub for folks needing a variegated Miscanthus.
Buddleja ×Monarch® ‘Prince Charming‘. A 4 ft by 4 ft Buddleja with HUGE 10” flower panicles.
Buxus sempervirens ‘SB300’ (NewGen Freedom®). High resistance to boxwood blight and boxleaf miner. Similar growth habit to B. ‘Winter Gem’ and ‘Wintergreen’.
Buxus sempervirens ‘SB108’ (NewGen Independence®). Again, high tolerance to boxwood blight and boxleaf miner. Similar growth habit to B. ‘Green Beauty’, ‘Green Velvet’ and ‘Suffruticosa’.